EP 98 - What Can A Social Media VA Do For Your Business?

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The majority of entrepreneurship in today's world has been transformed by technology and social media. One notable change brought about by social media is the use of marketing strategies in scaling up businesses.

If you want to spend more of your valuable time addressing things that require your presence the most and still make use of social media to promote your business, this episode is dedicated to you; pay attention as I outline why you should hire a virtual assistant and what a social media VA can do for your business.

What Is A Social Media VA?

Social Media VAs are dedicated virtual assistants that create, schedule, manages and monitors interactions and content posted on a company's social media platform.  Saving you time and money so you can focus more on the management and operational side of your business.

You can also refer to them as Social Media Managers or Digital Marketing Assistants.

What Can A Social Media VA Do for you?

  1. They can keep your social media profiles whether business or personal up-to-date - Maintaining a consistent and positive image for your brand on your pages and accounts can be extremely difficult, but when you hire a social media VA,  they will be the ones who communicate with your clients across all of your social media platforms and keep your audience up to date on the things they need to know about your business.

  2. They can do content research and draft materials for you - With their understanding of social media and technology,  your VA can frequently create valuable and high-quality material that targets your current and future audiences by researching and posting or scheduling it on your accounts.

  3. They can schedule and manage your calendar seamlessly - Keep in mind that it takes skill to schedule a post that can engage effectively with the audience considering their interests, hours of usage, and time zone differences. That skill and understanding are what a social media VA can offer to you.

  4. They can plan your marketing campaigns to keep your audience hooked - Social Media VAs are up to date and can use trendy topics and ideas that can spark and develop hype with the result of keeping your clients engaged in your business on a long-term basis. 

  5. They can keep tabs on your competition - Many businesses offer the same product or service, but with a social media VA on your side, you'll be able to compare your competitor's social activities to yours before planning, adjusting, and developing better material that you can use as content.

  6. They can track your statistics, to know your brand’s industry position - Because social media VAs are also social media managers, they can keep track of your account’s followers, likes, interactions, posts, and entire engagement. They will provide you with the overview numbers of your social media activities and find ways to improve those as well.

About Kristy Yoder

Kristy Yoder, the founder, and CEO of SmartVAs is a Filipino that is based in the United States. She rose from being a freelance VA and digital marketer to becoming an entrepreneur and a multi-faceted leader.

Learn more about Kristy and SmartVAs here:

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/smartvirtualassistants/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/yoursmartvirtualassistants

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/42716347/admin/

Are you in need of any assistance? Are you tired and running out of time? It’s time to start looking for a virtual assistant! Learn how to get your freedom and life back by visiting  smartvirtualassistants.com

If you do like hearing our podcast episodes, we do appreciate you showing your support by buying me a coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kristyyoder 


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