Skills and Traits a Virtual Assistant Must Have | Ep 97

Skills And Traits You Should Look  When Hiring A Virtual Assistant

In previous episodes, I covered some of the advantages of hiring a Virtual assistant. However, its effectiveness is dependent on how good and capable your VA is.

Tune in to this episode as I talk about the list of skills and traits that your Virtual Assistant must have in order to help you achieve success in your business.

1. Management Skills

It is a highly required skill that a Virtual Assistant must-have because it determines or influences the Virtual Assistant's professionalism when dealing with clients, making decisions, and planning.

2. Reliability

You will rely on your Virtual Assistant 100 % of the time to complete the tasks accurately and timely which is why your Virtual Assistant requires not only competence but also dependability to get things done.

3. Excellent Communication Skills

I am not just talking about communication but also, comprehension. This is to ensure that your Virtual Assistant understands and is able to deliver what you ask him or her to do.

4. Accuracy Skill

A Virtual Assistant must have this attribute since it determines his or her ability to pay attention to details, which gives the employer confidence and peace of mind that the jobs will be completed correctly.

5. Pro-active Skills

It's a talent that demonstrates how much your Virtual Assistant cares about your business because it tells how initiative they are and how they will handle unanticipated situations. They will actively remind employers of the tasks that must be completed in order to help their business grow.

6. Honesty and Trustworthy

It is essential for everyone, not only Virtual Assistants. Trust is the natural result of thousands of tiny actions, words, thoughts, and intentions that create a good relationship between people. In business, relationships are important to ensure that intentions are clear and there is complete transparency.

7. Work with Minimal Supervision

It demonstrates how committed your Virtual Assistants are to the task at hand without checking in on them every single time. This also results in your peace of mind.

8. Resourceful

Your Virtual Assistant must be capable of finding solutions, think creatively, and sometimes manage tasks at hand all at the same time.

9. Organized

Look for organizational skills because your Virtual Assistant can help arrange tasks that are in priority. This will help you boost your business’ productivity.

10. Value-Added Skills

Look for someone who initiates tasks that will help boost your business. He/she must also not wait for you to assign them tasks but this Virtual Assistant should be able to assist and anticipate your needs.

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About Kristy Yoder:

Kristy Yoder, the founder, and CEO of SmartVAs is a Filipino that is based in the United States. She rose from being a freelance VA and digital marketer to becoming an entrepreneur and a multi-faceted leader.

Learn more about Kristy and SmartVAs here:

Are you in need of any assistance? Are you tired and running out of time? It’s time to start looking for a virtual assistant! Learn how to get your freedom and life back by visiting

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EP 98 - What Can A Social Media VA Do For Your Business?


How to Hire a Virtual Assistant: The Quick Guide | EP 96