Trenia Norford

Trenia uses SMART VAs to quickly grow her matchmaking business. Our team of VAs helps her with her social media content, recruitment of clients, and other special projects. Trenia is able to scale her business where she wants it to be and is so grateful that our team is making her look like a rockstar! Watch her video testimonial to find out how we make our clients happy through the power of delegation and teamwork.

Steph Bolton

Steph uses SMART VAs to quickly grow her photography business. Our team of VAs helps her with podcast editing, video reels, research shoot locations, and administrative tasks through Dubsado (CRM tool). Steph is able to still work in her full-time job, do her business, and have time for herself because she has a team of dedicated VAs to make sure she is able to work efficiently and manage her time wisely! Watch her video testimonial to find out how we make our clients happy through the power of delegation and teamwork.

Christina Golden

Christina uses SMART VAs to support RxLive, a concierge telehealth service that connects patients and expert pharmacists in a secure, private and personal way. Our team of VAs helps her with administrative tasks, bookkeeping, and video/document editing. Christina’s biggest lesson with her experience with us is that she should never assume that agencies would be more expensive to hire, as she is happily getting so much more out of her partnership with us. Watch her video testimonial to find out how we make our clients happy through the power of delegation and teamwork.

Lynsey Cowan

Lynsey Cowan uses SMART VAs to help with her outsourcing business, Elite VA Limited. Our team of VAs helps her with tasks she needs to accomplish for her clients. Lynsey is really satisfied and has peace of mind because our team has been a valuable extended arm to her company; she knows that whenever she gives a job allocation, it’s going to get done! Our team is getting hours off of her usually overloaded work schedule which she finds priceless to the growth of her business. Watch her video testimonial to find out how we make our clients happy through the power of delegation and teamwork.