A Step-by-Step Guide On How To Start In Social Media Marketing

A Step-by-Step Guide On How To Start In Social Media Marketing by Smart VAs

Do you recall when social media was viewed as a passing fad? But today, a detailed social media strategy is ultimately essential for businesses of all sizes as it can significantly boost a brand's visibility and prompt conversion rates. Despite being present for more than ten years, social media has just recently developed into a reliable commercial communication tool. In this regard, there has been an increasing demand for social media marketing specialists.

In our previous blog articles, we discussed the importance of social media marketing and different social media marketing strategies. In this blog, let's get into more detail on how to start in social media marketing and discover unique social media marketing ideas.

Step-by-Step Guide

10 Steps To Getting Started In Social Media Marketing

1. Determine Your Objectives

The initial step on how to start in social media marketing is to determine your objectives from the get-go. What do you want to achieve by creating a social media persona for your company? Is your motivation centered on boosting sales or enhancing customer support? Or do you just simply want to increase the visibility of your brand? Determine your objectives so you'll be guided on the path you want your online persona to be.

2. Establish a Social Media Team

Before you start marketing on social media, make sure you have the right people in place to carry out your social media marketing strategy. Who will provide your content? Who will manage your social media profiles? Who will reply to inquiries and represent your company online? Create a "dream team" of individuals who bring a unique set of skills to the table. 

Although it is harder for smaller or starting businesses to employ a social media team full-time because of financial constraints, you need not worry, as you can now find a remarkable number of motivated virtual assistants for a negotiable fee.

Identify your target customer

3. Identify Your Target Audience

Before deciding where to concentrate your social media efforts and which platform suits you best --- depending on what your company wants to achieve --- do some research first on who your target audience is.

Ask the questions such as, what social media platforms does your intended audience frequent the most? What topics and conversations get the loudest responses from the audience? Keep in mind that you're not just posting marketing content on social media. Thus, to deliver the kind of content materials that appeal to your audience and meet their demands, you must first ascertain their needs. Ensure that your online persona is approachable so that it would be easier for your audience to engage with you.

4. Select Your Social Media Platforms

With the long list of social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest, among others --- you might want to establish your online presence on each platform immediately. However, it is recommended not to create accounts on all those platforms simultaneously. Most social media marketers advise picking at least one or two most appropriate platforms for your company. Only after you have enough time and finances to dedicate should you start scaling up your efforts in social media.

5. Create Compelling and Value-Adding Content

After you know what your audience is interested in and why they spend their time online, provide content materials that suit those preferences accordingly. To develop a devoted following of individuals who continually patronize the content you put out, give in to their expectations, and fulfill their needs. For brands that have yet to establish a good reputation, it is important to consistently provide your audience with outstanding materials.

6. Set a Schedule

How frequently will you publish on social media? Is once a week sufficient, or do you require more? You should boost it up to 3-5 posts per week on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, where users follow a lot of content from several people and brands. But on Twitter, where content is flooded, it is best to post as much as possible. Don't post merely to post, it is one important rule. Make sure each article, tweet, or other pieces of information is valuable and relevant to your audience.

After figuring out how frequently you have to post, the next thing you need to consider is the time — when to post on your social media platforms.

It takes both science and art to time your social media posts. However, specific time slots are more effective to post than others. For example, many enjoy browsing Facebook during their meal breaks and after work. However, if you stick to a strict timetable only to find those sweet moments, you'll start to come off as robotic and overly mechanical. So you should change things up accordingly.

7. Develop a Content Calendar

A charming or humorous post may catch a viewer's eye for a moment or two, but it is the engaging content that urges them to come back. Your social media presence should contain links to intriguing websites and content that will improve your audience's well-being. Through it, you can earn the loyalty of customers.

So, create a content calendar to align the kind of content you'll publish. What kinds of content are you going to post? In what manner and where will they be posted? Plan ahead and adhere to it for a while, but don't hesitate to alter your strategy if you feel it isn't working.

Different Social Media Marketing Strategies

8. Integrate Different Social Media Marketing Strategies

Your entire social media marketing strategy should complement one another. Keep in mind to cross-promote your campaigns online and offline and that your social media and conventional marketing strategies are in sync.

9. Keep Track of your Brand’s Social Media Reputation

Every social media platform is a fantastic resource for disseminating information about your company. The truth is that, with social media, people will talk about your brand, whether it is positive or not.

That is why you should spend some time monitoring your company's reputation while browsing the various social media platforms you are active on. Look up what others are discussing about your brand. If it's good news, take a minute to thank everyone for their kind words and make a commitment to continue the excellent work. However, consider how you can improve your products or content and politely respond to the criticism if it's negative.

10. Measure and Analyze your Social Media Results

As we have already discussed how to start in social media marketing and the value of having a goal in mind from the get-go, keep in mind why you entered social media in the first place --- whether it was to increase sales, provide better service, gain more exposure or for any other reason.

You should track your advancement toward those objectives along the way. If you intend to boost sales, look at the stats to see if they are rising. Do your social activities make a difference?

Participating in social media requires time, effort, and of course, money. None of those resources should be wasted, of course. Thus,  make sure to monitor your progress and evaluate your outcomes.

Social Media: New Trends in Marketing

Social Media Marketing Ideas

Your audience looks to your brand to deliver high-quality material, yet it can be challenging to create fresh and interesting social media content consistently. That being said, below is a compilation of top social media marketing suggestions that you may utilize if you are thinking about how to start in social media marketing.

1. Share User-Generated Content

Posting user-generated materials give your audience and followers a new viewpoint on your brand while fostering closer ties with your clients and leads.

User-generated content is a savvy social media marketing strategy since it demonstrates that people think highly of your business.

2. Repurpose Content like Videos and Blogs

It's not always necessary to reinvent the wheel just to produce quality content. You can reuse your material in various ways to maximize its long-term worth. This involves more than merely sharing links to your material on social media. It may also entail repurposing content into various formats for various audiences. Doing this can maximize the value of each piece of information over time.

3. Make Use of the Facebook Live or Instagram Story Feature

Live broadcasting is one of the most engaging types of content you can utilize on social media. You can vlog, conduct a Q&A session, or give a live product presentation. Your followers will find the live video experience more attractive due to the real-time interaction. Being able to respond to queries and comments from fans instantly might help you establish a more personal relationship with them.

4. Publish Video Tutorials

An excellent format for explaining concepts to your audience is through a video. How-to videos are appealing and engaging material that you may share on social media sites. With the aid of visual cues, this kind of video information enables you to deconstruct problems into manageable chunks. Not to mention that it's incredibly shareable, giving you more chances to expose your material to new audiences.

A Man Holding a Giveaway Sign

5. Hold a Contest or Giveaway

Who doesn't enjoy receiving free things? Holding contests are a terrific method to interact with your audience while trying to gain more visibility. In fact, accounts that regularly run Instagram contests and giveaways grow roughly 70% faster than those that don't.


Social media marketing is an effective way to connect with prospects and clients, no matter their size. So if you're a starting business, you're not using social media platforms for your marketing efforts, you're missing out on the opportunity to connect with your audience, expand brand awareness, and do business with brands. Effective social media marketing can help your company achieve extraordinary success by generating loyal brand supporters, leads, conversions, and sales.

If you ever need help with your social media marketing efforts and you have no one to assist you, you should hire the services of a virtual assistant agency like SMART VAs. SMART VAs has expert virtual assistants in the field of digital marketing. They have experienced social media managers who are up to date with social media marketing trends and can surely help you craft an effective social media marketing strategy.


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