Different Types Of Social Media Marketing Strategies

Different Types Of Social Media Marketing Strategies by Smart Vas

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social Media Marketing is a kind of digital marketing that harness the power of social media platforms to meet branding goals and marketing objectives. However, it goes beyond simply setting up brand accounts and posting whenever. Social Media Marketing necessitates a dynamic approach with quantifiable objectives, including profile optimization and maintenance, social media advertising, and engagements. 

Social media marketing aims to reach your target market and customers wherever they are, in the context of their social interactions with one another and your business.

Even though social media marketing is highly important and advantageous to expanding your brand, your strategy should vary according to which social media platforms your target demographic uses the most.

Social Media Marketing Strategy

What is Social Media Marketing Strategy?

A social media marketing strategy is a run-through of your content posting plans, the duties of your social media managers, and the social media platforms you'll utilize to advertise your brand. A social media marketing strategy should include your social media objectives supporting your company's broader digital marketing plan.

Furthermore, your social media strategy also serves as a roadmap for how you should create content, how to post them, and how to interact with your audience on social media. It's a strategy, a collection of concepts, a direction, and the means by which you hope to arrive at your objective.

The type of social media marketing strategy you use is vital in social media marketing. That is why it is crucial to understand your audience's demands and how they can relate to your goals in order to encourage them to support your brand.

But ultimately, it is important to realize that social media can be used for various purposes. It can be a platform to boost brand awareness, increase lead generation, provide product information, and connect with customers. And depending on the social media platform, you can also create several strategies for each.

Types of Social Media Marketing

Social Media Advertising

1. Advertising

One of the common types of social media marketing strategy is advertising. Advertising is a non-personal, publicly funded audio and visual marketing communication that promotes or sells a good, service, or idea. Advertising is typically thought of as a paid message that you own. You choose, produce, and deploy the specific message you desire. Creating your ads and putting them up on various social media platforms are included in your advertising costs.

Another method of advertising is through collaboration, where you give out products or monetary incentives to a different social media account in exchange for promoting your brand. 

2. Content Marketing

Content marketing is another type of social media marketing that involves creating and disseminating content to draw in and keep customers. Content materials may be blog entries, podcasts, videos, infographics, and email. However, content marketing is not just about producing quality material but also about creating logically written and presented content backed with real data.

3. Influencer Marketing

One of the best of social media marketing is influencer marketing. But what does an "influencer" actually mean? A person who has developed a devoted following on social media is known as a social media influencer. An influencer can be a YouTuber, a blogger, or a member of a group with a massive following. An influencer has the power to persuade the audience to purchase a product through content creation.

Therefore, influencer marketing is a sort of advertising in which a business collaborates with an influencer who advocates for or has a dedicated following for a certain product. Influencers share their content materials with their followers and, as a result, increase business visibility and contribute to the conversion of followers into customers.

4. Paid Media Marketing

Paid media marketing is a type of social media marketing strategy that produces inorganic marketing initiatives managed by a paid placement agency. This implies that you must pay for your advertisement. Paid media has grown its importance for digital marketers, as it is vital to avail of online ad spaces to reach a wider audience. Paid media is a component of a brand's entire marketing plan to enhance click-through rates, traffic, and conversion rates.

5. Social Media Management

Social Media Management is an organic type of social media marketing strategy as it entails engagement with the audience of your social media community. Therefore, the role of social media managers is typically to create social media efforts in order to attract more followers. However, social media management is a long-term strategy. Nonetheless, it can produce significant benefits for your brand.

Different Social Media Marketing Strategies in 2022

Any company's digital marketing plan's success relies on its social media efforts. However, there are still businesses that do not take advantage of this. Although engagement and analytics still matter, many factors contribute to a brand's trustworthiness. 

Below are six (6) different types of social media marketing strategies that you can use to strengthen your online presence.

1. Create educational content that relates to your product or service for your audience

No matter your social media objectives, it's always a good idea to educate your audience — especially if it relates to the products or services you offer. People will regard you as an authority and eventually might become devoted clients if you offer insightful information and/or useful guidance. Either personally teach your followers on social media, or use your accounts to point them in the direction of instructional materials like blog articles, infographics, videos, or webinars.

2. Produce diverse content materials

Consistently generating the same kind of material can tire out your viewers. More so, there might be some content materials that not all your target audience can enjoy. That is why it's recommended to create and share a variety of social media posts to break up the monotony. Also, over time, you'll be able to discover what your audience wants to see, so it would be simpler to create content that interests them.

Shaking hands customer loyalty

3. Capitalize on customer loyalty

Only a step separates loyal consumers from becoming brand ambassadors — commonly known as those who promote your business widely. Why so? Loyal customers not only raise awareness of your company but also offer significant social evidence that enables you to attract and win over new clients more than you otherwise might. Social media is a very effective tool to convert an audience into sales when enthusiastic brand ambassadors use it. You no longer have to expand your social media marketing strategy and create more content because these brand patrons will do it for you voluntarily.

4. Try micro-influencer marketing

For a number of reasons, collaborating with reputable influencers who have connections is a smart move as they can considerably increase your marketing reach and give you more credibility as a brand. That is why many companies are set to collaborate with influencers that have a massive following. This may seem simpler to increase brand awareness, but collaborating with micro-influencers might be a better option. Why?

Although micro-influencers have a relatively lesser following, their followers are deemed to be more devoted, attentive, and engaged with them. In this light, it can be deduced that their followers are more organic and are more likely to be receptive.

Engage in video and live-streaming like comments

5. Engage in video and live-streaming

Live streaming and video marketing aren't really new concepts and social media marketing strategies. However, its effectiveness as a marketing tool and popularity has recently been prevalent. Ergo, including video content as a type of social media marketing strategy has never been more relevant — as studies show that since the pandemic, social media audiences have shifted their viewing habits and are now more inclined to watch videos.

In this regard, social media marketers should not overlook this strategy. Moreover, live streaming these days has also been atop the social media marketing wagon as it increases organic engagement and provides immediate response from audiences.

6. Humanize your social media accounts.

People have always shown distaste for insincere and dishonest marketing. Because of this, digital marketers are somehow forced to create more sympathetic and empathetic content for their audience — and this strategy won't lose its relevance in the near future. That being said, reply to comments personally, encourage user-generated materials, and tailor your content according to the needs and experiences of your audience.


Have you done any of the types of social media marketing strategies? If so, how did it impact your business and social media presence? This is the best time to evaluate your strategies and see if they align with your marketing goals. 

But if you still haven't plotted out your social media marketing strategy and need help crafting it, SMART VAs has a great team of social media experts at your disposal. Their digital marketers specialize in social media management, content creation, and social media optimization, among others. How to get them? Book a discovery with us now!


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