How to Grow Pinterest From 2k Monthly Viewers to 100k in 6 Weeks with Cyndi Zaweski | Ep 80

Cyndi Zaweski of Ascent Story Craft joins us on this edition of the Master Delegator podcast to share her journey from journalism to content production, as well as how she utilizes Pinterest to increase traffic and leads, and how she grew her Pinterest from 2k monthly viewers to 100k in 6 weeks.

Pinterest To Sustain Your Business

Unlike Other Social Media Platforms, Pinterest isn't a place to interact with people online, Pinterest is more like a Search Engine for trends. Entrepreneurs may use Pinterest to advertise products, conduct market research or trends, showcase works and websites.

Tips To Grow Pinterest In 6 Weeks

  1. Optimize Pinterest SEO (Include what you do and your business do)

  2. Know the intention of Pinterest

  3. Optimize Your Bio

  4. Create great idea pins or contents

  5. Pin consistently (3-5 pins a day)

  6. Make it easy for people online to look at your pins

  7. Plan ahead and schedule content (Use scheduler tools like Tailwind)

How To Have Freedom-filled Lifestyle InYour Business

  1. Get up early to give yourself extra time to accomplish your task.

  2. Start your day like a normal person

  3. Plan early for the week

  4. Relax on Sundays

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About Cyndi Zaweski:

Cyndi Zaweski, the Founder and CEO of Ascent Story craft, is a well-known writer and content strategist. She has worked in the media for over eleven years. Cyndi has a degree in Digital Marketing from Columbia University. 

Connect with Cyndi Zaweski and Ascent Story craft here: 





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