
Learn more about hiring a virtual assistant.

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Virtual Assistants: Collaborate As You Delegate

Taking the time to delegate to a virtual assistant as a business strategy can seem like a handful, all tasks considered. Start with big funnels and work your way down to more specific categories. For instance, you could first categorize tasks as Core and Non-core.

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Top 7 Digital Marketing Ideas to Beat the Coronavirus

Most people’s lives have been turned upside down by the coronavirus forcing people to stay indoors. Many companies and businesses shifted their operations online adopting work-at-home arrangements to survive. Others, need to temporarily stop their businesses until the eventual end of the lockdown. While some, unfortunately, had to close down their operations due to a lack of sustainability. This has yielded a huge loss in profit and employment.

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Zoom Tips and Tricks: Like a Pro

Whether you have been working from home for a long time or been forced to do your work remotely from the comfort of your home, chances are you have needed to use video teleconferencing apps to communicate with your boss, clients or colleagues at work. One such app is Zoom. It is one of the best video teleconferencing applications used for remote work meetings and presentations. Zoom is quick and easy to use and with some knowhow, you can even enhance your Zoom experience. The following tips will not only get the best out of Zoom but will make your life online a whole lot easier.

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Navigating Changing Business Landscapes in the Time of Coronavirus

It’s a strange time we’re living in, and the prospect of things getting worse before they get better is sinking in on a global scale. Economists who, just weeks ago, projected the global economy to bounce back owing to pent-up demand worldwide, are now shaking their heads as the number of cases across the globe continues to spike and the race to find a vaccine presses on.

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How to Hire a Virtual Assistant for Your Small Business

If you are starting a small business, here is one thing you should know: you do not have to be an expert from the beginning to get the ball rolling. One of the best advantages you can have is to hire a virtual assistant to help your small business start on the right foot!

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50 Tasks You Could Be Outsourcing to a Virtual Assistant

Hiring a Virtual Assistant is essential to your company’s success in today’s fast-paced environment. Let’s admit it: we cannot do everything ourselves. If you’re an entrepreneur and you are forcing yourself to do everything on your own, you might get lost in translation. Managing your time wisely means looking at opportunities where you can go your business in a much more effective way to keep up with the times.

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Outsourcing Benefits That Can Be a Game-changer for Your Business

Nowadays, outsourcing has become a trend that helps businesses take care of certain tasks without overworking their employees. When done properly and with much discernment, outsourcing can help you save a lot of money plus it can also help in the expansion of your business. 

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10 Steps to Creating a Brand Strategy in 2023

When you hear the word “brand”, what comes to your mind? Probably, the first thing you’ll think about is a logo. If you see someone wearing shoes with a check design, automatically you know it’s Nike. Or if you see a laptop an apple logo, it’s easy to identify it as Apple.

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