How Effective are Google Ads? Here are 10 Reasons

How Effective are Google Ads? Here are 10 reasons by SmartVAs

What is Google Ads?

Google is where people search for what to do, where to go, what to buy, and where to buy.  Your ad can appear on Google at the very moment that someone is searching for a product or business that is the same as yours.  Understanding the timing and market range of your audience will help in turning someone into a potential customer.

Why Use Google Ads and How Effective are Google Ads?  

There are several reasons why google ads are considered by a lot of marketers and business owners as an effective tool. Though we are not excluding other marketing tools, we highly recommend using Google Ads. Of course, as they always say, it’s different strokes for different folks. So what could work for me may not work for you. Balance is always the key when it comes to your business.

Here are 10 Reasons why you Should use Google Ads:

1. Google Ads is Scalable

 It is a challenge for any marketer to find lead sources that scale.  Google ads are highly scalable and this is one of the reasons why some businesses spend millions of dollars on Google Ads advertising.  If your google ads campaign is converting at a profitable rate, then there’s no need to limit your budget in this campaign.  You can review the campaigns that are getting more conversions and keep the budget or increase their budget and limit the ones that aren’t converting.  You can also increase your PPC budget to get more leads if lead generation is one of your goals.

2. Cost-Effective and Easy to Use

You can set a budget that works for your business. You can play around with this budget until you find what works. You can create an ad schedule. Why do we create an ad schedule? First, specify certain hours or days of the week when you want your ads to show. Second, set bid adjustments to increase or decrease your bids for specific days and times.

3. Measurable

Google ads give you control over how you spend your money. There’s no minimum. You can choose how much you spend per day, per week, or monthly. You only pay when someone clicks your ad. This gives you more freedom in terms of budget. Google Ads is transparent, providing tons of PPC metrics.

4. Google Ads is Modifiable

it provides you many options for you to customize your campaigns or ads depending on your needs, what will work and what will suit your budget.  It can be modified to target the audience that you want to reach.  


  • Keyword Match Types

  • Ad extensions

  • Access to partner sites where your ads can show up aside from Google like YouTube or Facebook.

  • Leverage the display network, which is great for building brand awareness and often converts at a lower cost than Google Search.

5. Website Traffic

With website traffic, you don’t have to worry about the people that you want to reach.  You get to reach customers that are interested in your products or the services that you offer. 

6. Google Ads is faster than SEO

Again, depending on what your goal is, Google Ads is better for quick, top-of-the-page results and SEO is better for long-term Google ranking.  If you want to be at the top of the search result quickly, then Google Ads is the best option for you.

7. Find the Right Customers

With Google’s smart and easy ads, you can reach more customers within your budget.  Google helps you come up with ads that will get more of the results that you need and expect for your business.

8. Find the Right type of Ad for your Business

Google offers different Ad types and you can choose on which one you think best suits your business

  • Search Ads - show up when people search for what you offer.

  • Shopping Ads - show off your online and local inventory.

  • Display Ads - capture attention with compelling visual ads.

  • Video Ads - bring your business story to life with video ads.

  • App Ads - promote your ads to the right people.

9. Google Ads Complements your other Marketing Channels

One example of this is Remarketing.  If a customer previously clicked on your ad, or left something in the cart, you can track them through Remarketing Ads.  For example, I visited the Nike App a couple of days ago, looked at an item but did not proceed to purchase it.  Today, whenever I check my Facebook account, the Nike ad will show on my newsfeed, or I would receive a notification that the item I checked is now on sale.  So remarketing will help you stay in your customer or potential customer’s mind.

10. Most if not All your Competitors are also using Google Ads

If they’re using it and you’re not, then that puts them on top of the game. But if they’re using it and so are you, then that gives you equal leverage and knowing how to use it to your advantage is what will make a big difference.

What’s the Downside of Google Ads?

Just like any marketing or advertising tool, they can have their pros and cons.  And Google Ads is not spared from these cons even if the fact remains that they are hugely successful in driving traffic.

Here are 5 cons that I can give about Google Ads:

1. It is Pay per Click

So even if that person is not a prospective customer, or that person accidentally clicked on your ad, you have to pay for that.  A click is not always a guaranteed sale.

2. Budget

If you have no budget, your ads will stop. Google Ads has a short shelf life, meaning once all your budget is spent, then your ads will stop. If you compare this with SEO that has a longer-term investment which means longer shelf life.

3. Keyword Targeting

Your keywords should be managed correctly, putting in all the negative keywords you need to make sure your ads do not show to the wrong market or audience.  

4. You need to Invest your Time

Setting up your campaign, putting in keywords and negative keywords, monitoring to see what works and what doesn’t, are all part of investing your time with Google Ads.  If you do not do this, you might end up losing more money than you expect.

5. Restrictions

You are restricted by the number of characters you’re allowed to use.  So, you have to make sure that whatever you put in there will grab attention and drive traffic to your website.

We hope that you were able to learn a thing or two from this article.  The goal is to give you an idea of whether Google Ads will be effective for your business or not.  But then again, Google Ads is highly recommended if you want to see immediate results, especially for new businesses.  

Interested in finding out if Google AdWords will work for you as well? SmartVAs offers Google Adwords services to help you see how effective Google Ads is for your business.

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