Building Brand Awareness Campaign on Facebook 2023

Learn How To Build A Brand Awareness Campaign On Facebook by Smart VAs

Can you name a brand that everyone knows? Have you ever heard of Coca-Cola? I’m sure you have! But can you remember the first time you have encountered the brand? I doubt you do. Well, for one, Coca-Cola has been a company that has cemented itself in the beverage industry for more than a century, since 1892! They sure have produced countless ad campaigns that etched their position in the market way before you even knew of them. But the latest brand campaign of Coca-Cola exceeded expectations as their ad “Share a Coke” reached 80% of their target audience, which as a result, boosted their company’s brand awareness. 

The feat of Coca-Cola is what makes improving brand awareness relevant. Brand awareness is a marketing term that assesses a customer’s total awareness of a brand’s presence. What determines awareness is the number of potential customers recognizing the brand straight away and can exhibit ad recall. 

At the moment, Facebook has become the center of digital marketing because of its massive reach, convenience, and popularity to the masses. Thus, the call for a Facebook brand awareness campaign has been high. However, brand ads vary depending on the type of marketing content. Awareness is no longer evaluated by the number of times people click their phones at the sight of your ads. The goal of the campaigns now is to create a legacy for the brand by bridging its identity to its consumers, rather than connecting it to the products or services themselves. This time, it is all about the brand and not so much about the goods. When comparing brand awareness to reach, brand awareness prioritizes quality over quantity.

Facebook brand awareness

What is Facebook Brand Awareness?

A Facebook brand awareness campaign measures how much time users spend looking at various advertisements. As a result, Facebook can then figure out which users are likely to respond and recollect campaign ads. As most ads are designed and produced to induce recollection, Facebook brand awareness can aid in doing so. Hence, all advertising funds spent on Facebook are put to good use. 

By utilizing the power to create a brand awareness campaign on Facebook, one of its perks is the privilege to run your ad campaigns for as long as you prefer and as frequently as you wish. You even have the option to schedule your ad campaigns to particular users for a period of time ranging from a day to three months. This feature of the Facebook brand awareness campaign enables you to further run your brand awareness commercials to be both relevant and current.

What is the Facebook Brand Awareness Objective?

One of the guidelines that marketers should always be keen on in terms of brand awareness is that they should be used in conjunction with other sorts of advertising. Because of the vast option on how to pursue increasing brand awareness, most advertisers impulsively launch brand awareness campaigns in the hopes of seeing a significant boost in customers and revenue. However, most attempts were rendered futile as majority of the time, brand awareness Facebook ads do not translate its viewers into consumers.

The primary objective of brand awareness should not be to increase revenue, but rather it should be to guarantee that your business is the immediate thought of consumers when they want a service or product that you provide. Consequently, consumers who were exposed to your Facebook brand awareness campaign are presumably to become your customers when they encounter your ad campaigns again. Having said that, a marketing funnel can assist in contextualizing your Facebook brand awareness campaign in order to coincide with your planned marketing strategy.

Why use Brand Awareness Ads?

The Facebook brand awareness campaign is basically advertising on a larger scale with an algorithm that is designed to broaden your reach. So why not use it? This initiative assists advertisers in identifying relevant audiences who will be exposed to the ads in the hopes to receive significant engagements from them from the several minutes of watching the Facebook brand awareness campaign. More so, campaigns like these enhance ad recall and increase the likelihood of brand retention as well. Utilizing a Facebook brand awareness campaign basically gravitates people who can potentially benefit from your product and services towards your brand.

Furthermore, these brand awareness campaigns on Facebook are essentially created to maximize an ad’s reach, stimulate reaction and gather attention from the target audience. By optimizing your reach, you are likely to maximize your present audience size and boost lead generation, notwithstanding the very isolated and selected group that was only exposed to your Facebook brand awareness campaign. In addition to that, advertisers even have discretion with regard to the time placements of the ads, so that viewers won’t get the impression of the ad being redundant. Every aspect of a brand awareness ad is designed to benefit your brand, so it is best that you exploit its advantages properly.

Facebook brand awareness campaign Guide

How do you Create a Facebook Brand Awareness Campaign?

Having the Facebook Ad Campaign feature is such a blessing for entrepreneurs especially those who are just starting their business, as it is conveniently trackable and cost-effective. It enables businesses to expand their online presence and differentiate themselves from the competition. Brand awareness comes into play due to the vastness of options among similar products. Making consumers aware of your brand boosts customer loyalty as they will not be making a purchase from your brand if they do not appreciate the goods or services that you offer. 

Here is a Guide on How to Build a Facebook Brand Awareness Campaign

1. Decide on your Facebook campaign objective.

It would be a given that your goal for visiting this blog post is to know how to increase your business’ brand awareness. Thus, your objective for your next ad campaign could be brand awareness. To be more precise, set some specific goals, like reaching out to a new set of target audiences or urge retention from your loyal customers with new series of information from your ad campaign.

2. Select a name for your campaign

Your campaign name is not necessarily the title of your advertisement, rather, the name is for personal reference. You may want to select a campaign name that will relate to the title of your ad so that it will be easier to associate and identify.

3. Choose your target audience

When publishing your brand awareness campaign on Facebook, you have the option as to who are the people that will be exposed to your ads in terms of location, gender, age, and language. There is even a choice to do detailed targeting, wherein your target audience can be decided based on their demographics, interests, and social media behavior. In addition, you can also rule out particular groups, if ever there are any, who you do not want your ads to be exposed to.

4. Placements

Are there places where you wish your ad campaign to appear? Actually, there are two types of placements when in the process of creating a brand campaign, Automatic Placements, and Edit Placements. In automatic placements, you allow Facebook to choose where your advertisements will appear. Meanwhile, edit placements give you the discretion of where to show your ad campaigns, whether it be on the News Feed, Messenger Inbox, Facebook Stories, Messenger Stories, the Marketplace, and etc.

Facebook Budget and Schedule

5. Budget and Schedule

There are two types of budget: daily and lifetime. When you set a daily budget, the minimum daily budget for running an ad is $1 - $40, however, with a lifetime budget, Facebook controls the daily cost based on the campaign performance. If Facebook notices a particularly high performance on a certain day, it may increase its spending on that day to capitalize on the opportunity. You may also choose the start date, finish date, and hour for your ad.

6. You may now create your ad!

When you are finally in the stage where you can launch your brand awareness campaign on Facebook, you may choose between a post, a carousel, or a video as the format in which you want your ad to appear. Add a paragraph with information on the ad campaign together with the appropriate hashtags. Your caption should be brief and straightforward as people tend to not read the entirety of the post if it is too lengthy.

How Much Do Building Brand Awareness Campaign on Facebook Cost?

Brand Awareness Campaign on Facebook Cost

The cost of building brand awareness campaigns on Facebook can vary widely depending on a variety of factors such as your target audience, campaign objectives, ad format, bidding strategy, and geographic location.

Facebook operates on a bidding system, where advertisers compete with each other to have their ads shown to their target audience. This means that the cost of your campaign will depend on how much you are willing to bid for your ad placement, as well as the level of competition for the audience you are targeting.

Generally, Facebook offers a range of budget options for advertisers, including a daily or lifetime budget. You can set a daily budget for your campaign and control the maximum amount you are willing to spend per day, or set a lifetime budget that determines the maximum amount you want to spend over the duration of your campaign.

According to some reports, the average cost per thousand impressions (CPM) for Facebook ads is around $7.19, while the average cost per click (CPC) is around $0.50. However, keep in mind that these figures are not fixed, and can vary significantly depending on the factors mentioned above.

Ultimately, the cost of building brand awareness campaigns on Facebook will depend on your specific business objectives, your target audience, and the resources you have available to invest in your advertising efforts.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is the best branding strategy?

The best brand strategy in Facebook ads involves a combination of thoughtful planning, audience targeting, engaging content, and continuous optimization. Firstly, it's important to define the brand's goals and objectives for the campaign. Whether it's increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or generating leads, a clear strategy will guide the entire advertising process. Understanding the target audience is crucial for effective targeting. Facebook offers powerful targeting options based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more, allowing brands to reach their desired audience with precision.

2. How can Facebook build brand awareness?

Creating compelling and visually appealing ad content is essential to capture users' attention. High-quality images or videos, concise and persuasive copy, and a clear call-to-action can significantly impact ad performance. Additionally, utilizing Facebook's ad formats and features such as carousel ads, video ads, or lead ads can help enhance engagement and boost campaign effectiveness.

Continuous monitoring and optimization are vital to ensure the brand's ads are delivering the desired results. Analyzing campaign metrics like reach, impressions, click-through rates (CTR), and conversions can provide valuable insights into ad performance. Adjustments to targeting, creative elements, or budget allocation may be necessary to improve outcomes and achieve the brand's objectives.

3. Is Facebook still relevant for business 2023?

Facebook is indeed very relevant for businesses for this year. Overall, the best brand strategy in Facebook ads combines strategic planning, precise targeting, captivating content, and ongoing optimization to create a successful and impactful advertising campaign that resonates with the target audience and helps achieve brand goals.

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