Steps to Creating Your Unique Value Proposition With Jo Ingram | Ep 135

Jo Ingram, a business coach and podcast host, joins Kristy Yoder in today's episode of the Master Delegator Podcast to talk about ways to stand out and attract more clients with unique brand messaging. Listen as we talk about Steps to Creating Your Unique Value Proposition.

Steps to Creating Your Unique Value Proposition 

Many people believe that creating a brand is simply identifying their target audience and raising awareness. But, for Jo, Brand is knowing who you are, what you are, what you do, and what you can do. The brand is what makes an entrepreneur stand out against competitors.

Here are the steps to creating your unique value proposition to build a strong brand:

1. Start with you

People say that when starting a business, looking for the largest market is the best way to achieve success, but this leaves the owner out of the equation. Jo shared what she refers to as Brand E.P.I.C.S. ( Experiences, Pains, Interests, Character, Skills ), which are keys to finding the business that best suits you, that will fuel your passion, and business that you will enjoy devoting your time and energy to.

2. Focus on your Aligned Avatar

Now that your clients know your story and who you are because of how you presented your brand. They will be more willing to work with you as they want to see themselves like you. They will be more inclined to work with you because now they see you as someone who can provide them the results they want in their business. Then you can focus on taking care, building trust, and maintaining a good relationship with your clients to create the synergy that makes working together much easier and more comfortable.

About Jo  Ingram:

Jo Ingram started her Business Coach & Strategy company to provide right programs for entrepreneurs who want to grow their business faster than they ever imagined. With her 20-year corporate career in leading advertising and media agencies, devising strategy, and delivering profitability for large companies such as Aviva, Johnson & Johnson, and Microsoft, she was able to expand her business and assist more business owners in achieving their goals and well-deserved growth.

Learn more about her here:






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