How to Achieve More With Doing Less With Felicia Sanders | Ep 136

Felicia Sanders is a business growth strategist, author, & entrepreneur who helps people live again, not just exist. She owns and operates Camps at Sea, a company that seeks to help people learn to grow and take a positive outlook on life. 

Listen to this episode of Master delegator as she shares her journey to living her dreams and talks about how business owners can achieve more by doing less.

How to Achieve More By Doing Less

As business owners, we constantly try to look for something more as we grow. We envision not just getting to where we wanted to be but being proud of many more things. We do that by doing everything ourselves, whatever it takes for us to do it. But what if I tell you there's a way to achieve more by doing less?

Here’s how Felicia does it in her business:

1. Take inventory of how you spent your time

To determine whether you are wasting time or making progress with what you're doing with your limited time.

2. Make a list of the top 10 things you want to accomplish in a day

Categorize what you must do and focus on what you are passionate about to keep your fire to work alive.

3. Delegate the things that you can

After categorizing the list of your daily tasks, you now know what you can do on your own and what you can ask for help. Delegation does not only help entrepreneurs to do what they enjoy doing in the business and have more time, money, and energy flow in their life. It also helps them feel great about giving work opportunities to people who want to achieve more in their lives.

About Felicia Sanders:

Felicia Sanders, a published inspirational author, and successful business owner, was born in Indonesia and found love in traveling worldwide. Felicia has been to thirty-eight countries and counting. When she was fourteen, the author left her hometown to pursue her dreams. Later in life, Felicia would pick up a master's degree in Finance on a full scholarship. Today, she owns a travel  franchise, "Trip It Like You Mean It."

Learn more about her here:



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