What Does a Podcast Manager Do? Role Overview

Podcasts have surged in popularity, especially in the past decade, becoming one of the most engaging forms of media available. With topics ranging from true crime and comedy to business and self-help, podcasts offer something for everyone. This growth has led to a new wave of content creators eager to share their voices with the world. However, behind every successful podcast is a well-oiled machine that keeps things running smoothly. This is where the role of a podcast manager comes in.

As more individuals and businesses jump into the podcasting space, the demand for skilled professionals to manage the intricate details of podcast production has skyrocketed. While many creators start by doing everything themselves—planning, recording, editing, publishing, and promoting—this approach can quickly become overwhelming. The reality is that producing a high-quality podcast requires a range of specialized skills and a significant amount of time. This is why more and more podcasters are turning to podcast managers to handle these tasks, allowing them to focus on creating content.

What is a Podcast Manager?

A podcast manager is a professional responsible for overseeing the entire podcast production process. Think of them as the project manager for your podcast. They ensure that every episode is planned, produced, and published efficiently and effectively. Podcast manager duties often go beyond just handling the technical aspects; they also play a crucial part in shaping the overall direction and strategy of the podcast.

Podcast managers wear many hats. They might be involved in content planning, guest coordination, audio editing, show notes creation, and even social media marketing. Essentially, they take the burden off the podcaster by handling all the details that go into creating and distributing a podcast. This allows the podcaster to focus on what they do best—creating engaging content.

Who Hires Podcast Managers?

Who hires the podcast manager?

Podcast managers are hired by a diverse range of clients. These include:

1. Independent Podcasters: Many independent podcasters, especially those who have grown their audience and are monetizing their content, hire podcast managers to help them scale their operations. Managing a successful podcast can be a full-time job, and many creators find they need professional help as their podcast grows.

2. Businesses and Brands: Companies are increasingly using podcasts as a marketing tool to reach their audience. These businesses often hire podcast managers to handle the production process so they can focus on leveraging the podcast as part of their broader marketing strategy.

3. Nonprofits and Educational Institutions: Organizations that use podcasts to spread awareness about their cause or provide educational content also hire podcast managers. These entities recognize the value of a well-produced podcast in engaging their audience and furthering their mission.

4. Media Companies and Networks: Larger media organizations and podcast networks that manage multiple shows often employ podcast managers to oversee the production of their entire lineup. In this setting, podcast managers may handle several shows at once, ensuring consistency and quality across the board.

What Does a Podcast Manager Do?

The podcast manager role is multifaceted, involving various responsibilities that ensure a podcast runs smoothly from start to finish. Here’s a detailed look into what a podcast manager does, highlighting the crucial team roles they oversee.

1. Content Planning and Strategy

Content planning and strategy for podcast manager.

Before a single episode is recorded, a podcast manager works with the creator to develop a content plan. This includes brainstorming episode ideas, identifying potential guests, and creating a content calendar. The podcast manager ensures that the content aligns with the podcast’s goals and resonates with the target audience.

2. Guest Coordination

If your podcast features guest interviews, the podcast manager generally works with a podcast admin, who focuses on coordinating all administrative tasks related to guest interactions. The podcast admin ensures that all scheduling is handled efficiently and that any necessary follow-ups or communications are managed.

3. Overseeing Audio Editing and Production

Audio Editing and Production for Podcast Manager.

While the podcast manager may not personally handle the audio editing, they oversee this crucial process. This involves hiring a podcast editor who is skilled at polishing the raw audio. The podcast editor is responsible for cutting stutters, awkward pauses, and irrelevant content, all while enhancing audio quality and ensuring that the final product is engaging and professional. On the other hand, the podcast manager coordinated with the editor to ensure that all audio elements of the podcast meet the standard.

4. Managing Show Notes and Transcriptions

Creating show notes and transcriptions is another vital task overseen by the podcast manager. They ensure that the show notes are clear, informative, and well-written, providing listeners with valuable information about each episode. As for the transcripts, the podcast manager also oversees the process, ensuring that the transcripts are easily readable and accurate. The writing of show notes and transcripts often involves hiring a writer or using a transcription service to handle the workload.

5. Publishing and Distribution

After editing and preparing the episode for release, the podcast manager handles the publishing process. This includes uploading the episode to a podcast hosting platform, scheduling the release, and distributing it across various podcast directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and YouTube if there is a video. They also ensure that the episode is available on the podcast’s website or blog if applicable.

Publishing and distribution of podcast.

6. Marketing and Promotion

Effective marketing is essential for growing a podcast’s audience. So, a podcast manager often collaborates with a dedicated social media manager to develop and implement promotional strategies for the podcast. The social media manager is responsible for creating and managing content across all social media platforms, running email campaigns, and engaging in cross-promotion with other podcasters as well. 

Additionally, a graphic artist plays a vital role in this process by designing visually appealing podcast artworks and other promotional materials. This includes creating eye-catching episode banners, covers, and graphics that enhance the podcast’s brand and attract listeners. 

By hiring a social media manager and a graphic artist, the only thing a podcast manager needs to do when it comes to marketing and promotion is to ensure that all promotional efforts are targeted and effective.

7. Analytics and Reporting

Understanding how a podcast is performing is crucial for its growth. A podcast manager tracks key metrics such as download numbers, listener demographics, and engagement rates. They analyze this data to provide insights into what’s working and what needs improvement, helping to guide the future direction of the podcast.

Overall, what a podcast manager does is oversee and coordinate a team of specialized professionals—podcast admin, podcast editor, graphic artist, and social media manager—to ensure that all aspects of the podcast production process run smoothly.

Analytics and reporting of podcast manager.


The role of a podcast manager is essential. As the medium continues to grow, the demand for skilled professionals who can handle the complexities of podcast production will only increase. A podcast manager ensures that every aspect of a podcast is well-managed, allowing creators to focus on delivering great content.

Whether you’re an independent podcaster, a business looking to leverage podcasts for marketing, or an organization aiming to spread your message, hiring a podcast manager could be the key to taking your podcast to the next level. Their expertise, organization, and attention to detail can make all the difference in producing a podcast that stands out in a crowded market.

If you're looking for reliable support, SMART VAs offers experienced virtual assistants who specialize in podcast management, in addition to a wide range of other services. Our team is dedicated to helping you streamline your podcast production, from planning and editing to publishing and promotion. 

Ready to elevate your podcast? Connect with SMART VAs today, and let’s make your podcast shine!

Frequently Asked Questions

What skills does a podcast manager need?  

A podcast manager needs a diverse skill set, including strong organizational abilities, excellent communication skills, and a good ear for audio quality. They should be proficient in audio editing software, have experience with podcast hosting platforms, and be familiar with marketing and social media strategies. Additionally, they should be creative, detail-oriented, and capable of managing multiple tasks at once.

Are podcast managers in demand? 

Yes, podcast managers are increasingly in demand as the podcasting industry continues to grow. With more people and businesses entering the podcasting space, the need for professionals who can handle the production and management of podcasts is rising. This demand is expected to continue as podcasts become an even more integral part of content marketing strategies.

What is the biggest responsibility of a podcast manager?  

The biggest responsibility of a podcast manager is ensuring that the podcast is produced and published on time and meets high-quality standards. This involves coordinating all aspects of the production process, from content planning and guest coordination to editing, publishing, and marketing. The podcast manager ensures that each episode is polished and ready for the audience, ultimately contributing to the podcast's success.


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