Why Start A Podcast in 2021?

Why Start A Podcast in 2021?

Let’s face it, people are now geared towards the easiest and fastest way to do things especially with the advent of technology. Most often than not, we already disregarded reading as a primary medium of gaining knowledge or even as a mundane hobby. That is why the search for a more efficient way to be informed and be entertained at the same time, whenever and wherever, has been on the run. Just as our luck, podcasting has been invented. So putting everything into perspective might just be the reason why you should start a podcast now.

It is undeniable that there is beauty in creating a podcast. Just imagine listening to your favorite speaker while you’re driving on your way to work, or taking a jog at your favorite park, or even just doing your menial chores at home. Once you start a podcast, it liberates your conversations and tasks to be while adding more spice, flavor, and energy. Now, imagine having an outlet to release your creativity while having more creative freedom to talk about things that inspire you together with equally interesting people. Does it not increase your desire to create a podcast?

Why should you create a podcast?

Podcasts are audio recordings of discourses about a certain specific niche that are made available for download via the internet or other audio and entertainment platforms to your own devices. But, more than that, they can be comparable to radio shows or ebooks in a way that they cover a wider range of topics, however, podcasts stand out in terms of less structure in their production, which makes them more accessible. You're good to go no matter where you are or what time it is as long as you have your gadgets.

Podcasting, on the other hand, is a hybrid of blogging with digital audio tech that allows for the creation of a wide range of material. It also has a lot of advantages in comparison to other forms of broadcasts.

Here is a list of advantages in creating a podcast:

  1. Convenience and portability

It is the best time to start a podcast now due to the increasing rise of audiences that are using various podcast platforms due to its mobility. More so, it is a medium that can be listened to anytime and any place. Most podcasts only demand your smartphones and access to a podcast application for you to enjoy and consume its content.

2. Personalized Content

Once you create a podcast, you will have a good avenue to promote personal advocacies and niches that need to be shared in a larger scope. People nowadays have a very wide range of interests where in one way or another also share yours. Podcasting is an ideal platform to gain advertisers as well especially if your produced contents suit their target consumers. 

3. Can build a connection with the audience

Can build a connection with the audience

Starting a podcast can definitely create a bond between you and your listeners. Similar to Youtube influencers, you can also build your own community within your podcast channel. You may talk and grant topic requests about whatever your patrons like, or even invite one over, in that way you can connect and form relationships with them.

4. Lesser costs

How much does it cost to start a podcast? For beginners, if you finally decide to start a podcast, you may opt for beginner-friendly pieces of equipment. Podcasting is a relatively cheaper medium for producing content as long as you have the necessary devices that can record your voice and audio. It only gets quite hefty if you invest in high-end microphones and other podcast equipment to make your production of top-notch quality. Nonetheless, it won’t cost you as much.

Why Start a Podcast Now?

After knowing all the advantages of why you should create a podcast, you might want to ask yourself why do you still not have your own podcast now. To further inspire and drive your desire to create one, below are reasons why you have to.

1. An addition to your interesting work profile

The rising popularity of podcasts, and having your own at that, in our generation today makes it a very interesting addition to your skills and portfolio if you are someone from the creative industry. Making a podcast while relating it to your desired job application will surely give you an outstanding impression from your prospective employers.

2. An opportunity to connect with people 

When you start a podcast, the things you want to talk about are endless. But deciding on a topic to talk about in your podcast might be mentally draining sometimes especially if you have reached the point where you’ve already exhausted all your brain cells for it. For this reason, you may choose to contact your peers, record you catching up, and just talk about anything that’s under the sun. Not only did you get to socialize with them and build deeper connections, but you also got some content for your show. If you wish, you may even do it weekly!

3. Get to potentially monetize your podcasts later

Get to potentially monetize your podcasts later

Not many would think that there is a career that awaits in podcasting. However, there are more than a handful of people who have found success because they chose to start a podcast and eventually landed some sponsorship deals, donations from fans, and stream revenues over the course. Nonetheless, you still need to put some work on your podcasts they normally take several episodes before it gets monetized, considering a stable number of listeners.

4. Show your particular expertise and get to socialize with like-minded individuals

In podcasting, conversations between like-minded individuals are very much welcome. If you create a podcast, it would be a way for you to cater to your field of expertise and essentially help people acquire knowledge from you. Collaborating and sharing information with people who harbor similar interests, can also transport you to an in-depth discussion of your topic of choice. Benefitting from the wonders of technology makes it also easier for you to communicate with your podcast guest.

5. Acquiring new skills

If you only wish to start a podcast as a hobby, then you may do so. It is guaranteed that you can acquire new skills when doing a podcast. For one, it will help you produce, direct, and build your own show. Second, it will increase your proficiency in recording your audio content, and at the same time edit it on editing software. Lastly, it significantly improves your communication skills.

How to set up a podcast?

So you are now convinced to make a podcast, the next question is to set up a podcast? What do you need? Well, we got it covered for you. Read further to know.

1. Plan a podcast outline first

Plan a podcast outline first

Planning a podcast may be often overlooked due to your excitement, but it is a very crucial step when staging your own podcast. It is important to take note of all the ideas that you come up with for your podcast, your goals for your podcast, and your plans on how to do it. This will help you not lose track of where you are along the way. Basically, create a podcast outline that will guide you all throughout.

2. Choose your topic

The best thing about starting a podcast is that it is not confined to a narrow scope of topics to talk about. You will never find a hard time deciding on your first topic because everything is welcome. Depending on your field of expertise, niche, or even your interest, you can pick a topic from it. Just make sure to stay focused on a particular topic of discussion so your audience will get to retain your target audience. Nevertheless, you can always shift or expand your topics once you have a solid community that listens to your podcasts.

3. Choose a catchy yet authentic name for your podcast

You surely want your podcasts to be remembered by your listeners, right? It is vital to choose a name that will ignite interest but at the same time genuinely represents your brand of the podcast. 

4. Get quality microphone and equipment

Get quality microphone and equipment

A good quality microphone is a key to good quality audio. Thus, having a microphone apt for podcasting is highly recommended. If you are planning to create a podcast and take it seriously, then investing in quality equipment will never lead you astray in terms of audio production.

5. Record your podcast

It is now time to put all those plans into action. You will finally record your own podcast with the topic of your choice, together with people you want to have discourses with.

6. Edit your podcast

Using a variety of audio editing applications, edit your discussions filtering those unnecessary ones. Also, add little background effects, and some intro and outro music.

7. Launch your podcast!

How to launch a podcast? Easy. Submit an application to a podcast platform and start it from there!

The popularity of podcasts is only rising and based on the want of consumers for more convenient, reliable, informative, and entertaining content, there is no stopping it. At the very least, if you only want to do start a podcast as a hobby that provides you a creative space, then you are very welcome to try. But if you wish to take it seriously, build a career out of it, inspire people with your content, and build a strong relationship with your audience, then today is the right time! Create a podcast now!

Thanks for reading!

Kristy Yoder here, the founder and CEO of Smart VAs, a Filipino based in the United States. Visit us on Facebook or hang out with us on Instagram to stay up-to-date on what’s in store for you! And Don’t forget to Download our FREE E-book on Delegation.

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