Ep 85 - Delegation Helps Your Work Less and Scale Faster With Yesenia Bocanegra

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“If you feel like you're stuck in your business, you're not meeting the goals that you’re selling yourself up for, don't get frustrated, take a moment and go back to the very core of your business, the why your purpose and what goals you have.” 

Yesenia Bocanegra has excellent photography, film and graphic design experience and yet still faced problems as a business owner, but those struggles didn’t stop her.


Strategies To Grow Your Business 

  1. Take advantage of social media to connect and share your message with your audience

  2. Use media platforms like Podcast to showcase your work and services

  3. Create an Email Marketing Strategy

  4. Create a plan to support your strategy like batching your content to organize your schedule


Effectiveness of Delegation

Delegation saves entrepreneurs’ time, but moreover, delegation supports your company to grow more audience by allowing you to create more content for your business. It also gives you more time to build relationships with your clients, team members and people outside of your business, like your family and friends. 

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About Yesenia Bocanegra 

Yesenia Bocanegra, has been a professional photographer for more than 12 years who studied photography and photographic design in college that she used to help other photographers and company owners in her Focus & Bloom Studio.  


Connect with Yesenia and Focus & Bloom Studios here:    


Website: www.focusandbloomstudios.com 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/focusandbloomstudios/F 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/focusandbloomstudios

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmpEfdWMWgUozBgJaPMoftw 

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ph/focusandbloom/ 

Are you in need of any assistance? Are you tired and running out of time? It's time to start looking for a virtual assistant! Learn how to get your freedom and life back by visiting smartvirtualassistants.com    

If you do like hearing our podcast episodes, we do appreciate you showing your support by buying me a coffee at  https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kristyyoder  


Ep 86 - Turning Learning Disability Into a Successful Story with Danielle Gray


Ep 84 - Why Hiring a Virtual Assistant is Not Working For You