Real Talk: Overcoming Business and Personal Struggles During Covid-19 With Ramona Nichols | Ep 37

Real Talk: Overcoming Business and Personal Struggles During Covid-19 With Ramona Nichols

In this episode, Ramona Nichols, founder of Inspired Creatives Studio, talks about dealing with the impact of Covid-19 both in her personal life and business. She shares the things that she discovered about herself and the tools that helped her get through tough times.

Key Takeaways From This Episode:

  • Delegate before you think you can.

  • Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of humility.

  • Knowing who you are, your identity, what you can do, what you can’t do, and remember it, take a step back and process everything. Find things that trigger you and avoid them. Self-talk helps

  • If we don’t believe in ourselves, we won’t be able to do what we are called to do in this world.

  • Sometimes, answers are in the silence. Quiet walks help. It is a sort of walking meditation.

  • Don’t think of being tired. Think of what is happening as a marathon. It will end. Think of stamina. Keep going. Pace yourself.

  • Every storm has a silver lining. Even on the darkest days, the blue sky is always there.

  • This is a life-altering time when you can be the person that you want to be. It’s an opportunity for all of us to come out of this better than we came in.

  • It’s all about helping each other right now because we are all struggling.

  • Don’t stop. You need momentum mentally and physically because if you do, you need to start all over again. You can take a break, but don’t stop.

  • It’s all about showing up. Just get up and see where it will take you.

  • You can try the Pomodoro technique if you need to focus or start something. Do something for just 25 minutes and then take a break for 5 minutes. See how many 25 minutes you can do.

Today’s Guest:

Ramona is the founder of Inspired Creatives Studio, located in Columbus, Ohio. She likes to say that if Millennials are digital natives, she must be a digital pioneer. Ramona has been designing websites for over 10 years, and with her Inspired Creatives team, specializes in building bespoke websites that are not only beautiful but are engineered to attract the ideal clients and customers small businesses are looking for. 

Ramona has a mantra that she lives by, and it's the charter of her business. From the late great Zig Ziglar: "You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want." She also considers this pretty much the meaning of Karma.

Connect and know more about Ramona and her company  here:






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