Ep 179 - Proven Strategies to Get Unstuck in Your Business with Jon Dwoskin

It is vital to adopt a great strategy when dealing with feelings of being stuck in our business. Learn how to redirect your attention away from the difficulties and toward finding fresh perspectives to move forward.

Tune in today's episode of the Master Delegator Podcast where Kristy Yoder was joined by Jon Dwoskin, a business coach and executive adviser helping entrepreneurs to get unstuck and keep them unstuck in most of the business operation challenges they face along the journey.

Episode Highlights:

0:35 Feeling stuck in your business

2:13 Explaining the common struggle of entrepreneurs in business

4:16 Why people don’t ask for help

6:01 The main thing that entrepreneurs are stuck on

7:04 Difference between an entrepreneur and a business owner

9:44 Getting stuck in operating a business

10:25 Helping inexperienced business owners

13:21 Meeting business owners that don’t want to do business operations

15:26 Lack of clarity and feeling overwhelmed

17:11 Creating space and quiet time daily as a strategy

19:06 On getting a business coach or advisor

22:29 Delegating and using a system for processes to flow

24:29 Final words of insights for the listeners

About Jon Dwoskin

As a business coach, sales coach, executive adviser, author, speaker, and podcaster for entrepreneurs, Jon Dwoskin helps a lot of people in the business world to feel unstuck and make sound and helpful strategies for growth.

Working with successful C-level executives, managers, and salespeople who are sole proprietors, employees of Fortune 500 firms, and everything in between, Jon helps them with common struggles in the entrepreneur life such as feeling stuck, lack of clarity, feeling overwhelmed, finding flow and the next steps, growing, forecasting and sales, managing people and thinking bigger to ace the business.

Learn more about her here:


About Kristy Yoder

Kristy Yoder, the founder and CEO of SmartVAs, is a Filipino that is based in the United States. She rose from being a freelance virtual assistant and digital marketer to becoming an entrepreneur and a multi-faceted leader.

Learn more about Kristy and SmartVAs here:

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/smartvirtualassistants/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/yoursmartvirtualassistants
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/42716347/admin/


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Ep 180 - Delegating Appropriate Tasks to Appropriate Skills with Lauren Litt


Ep 178 - Using LinkedIn to Build Relationships and Generate Leads with Janice Porter