How To Use Voice Search SEO To Rank Better

How To Use Voice Search SEO To Rank Better

What is Voice Search?

In essence, voice search is a cutting-edge technology strategy that uses voice-enabled prompts to perform a query on your web browser, phone, or any application. What it basically does is retrieve any online information using open-domain short-keyword questions. 

Voice search utilizes a dialog system with cycles of interaction. Additionally, you can tell the system more about your search, enabling you to obtain more precise results. In other words, voice search is a method where it employs an audio recognition system to comprehend what the speaker is saying fully.

Although it may seem like a recent development, voice search technology has actually been around for some time. Text-to-speech programs are excellent illustrations of voice search.

Any gadget with a voice assistant or dialog system can be made voice search-friendly. On the other hand, voice assistants use search-by-voice features and simplify your process.

Google Voice Search

Benefits of Voice Search SEO

1. Increased website traffic

If you want to increase website traffic, it must be easily located first. Your website's ability to be found easily is significantly correlated to the volume of visitors you have on your site. However, to do that, you need to rank higher on the search engine results page (SERP) first. Voice search will improve user experience by delivering the answers users are looking for on your web pages more quickly and precisely. You can use Google Analytics to identify which among your data are from voice search inquiries so you can optimize your website accordingly.

2. Raises brand awareness and visibility

By making your website voice search-friendly, you will have a higher chance of appearing on the results page for any voice search query. As a result, users will go to your website instead of your competitors who have yet to undergo voice search SEO. This also means that even if your company is unheard of, you'll get known and build a good reputation by solving their voice search query.

3. Brings about more store visits

Voice search is a great way to increase traffic to your stores because it has customarily been used for local searches like finding a nearby hotel or park. The advantage of using voice search is getting answers more promptly. Hence, if you appear on top of SERPs because your site is optimized for voice search, it will increase your chances of attracting more prospective customers to your business. Just don't forget to incorporate details such as recent photos, addresses, business hours, and the like to boost traffic.

The Importance of Voice Search

The Importance of Voice Search

Thanks to voice search and other voice recognition software, users can now enjoy a more innovative way of query search because of the convenience and accessibility it brings when asking questions. Not to mention that the response to every question is significantly received much more quickly, which naturally lowers bounce rates and keeps the potential customer on the site longer. In this manner, the user is pleased with the response because it closely corresponds to the question spoken, which is advantageous for the business to enhance customer experience.

Here are some reported data to further emphasize why voice search is getting bigger:

  • In the past year, 58% of consumers have used voice search to obtain information about local businesses, including contact information.

  • In the US, voice search is used by 71% of people in the 18–29 age group.

The future is even more promising for voice searches, especially if it is incorporated into your marketing strategies

Voice Search SEO Strategies

Voice Search SEO Strategies

Although voice search is simple to use, voice search optimization still requires some work, which means you need to do some things upfront to ensure that your company is as visible as possible.

Here's how to create and manage your content to accommodate voice search SEO:

Content should be presented in a conversational tone.

When optimizing for voice search, use straightforward, everyday language; avoid trying to sound flamboyant or opinionated in your writing. Complex words make it more difficult for voice search algorithms to locate your website. Why? Because volume and commonality are the defining factors for search engines. To help trace and pinpoint the context of the searcher's question, they emphasize common data, geographic location, demographics, and language that is widely used.

Simply put, the most 'ordinary' and generic form of language is the foundation for voice recognition systems. Additionally, the language adopts a more casual tone. Thus, using more approachable language increases your chances of acquiring a new customer and encourages repeat business.

Use long-tail keywords

Use long-tail keywords

Voice searches are frequently longer and more detailed than typed searches. With this, it is rather helpful if you veer away from commonly used shorter terms and instead focus on incorporating long-tail keywords in your content. For instance, if you provide virtual assistant services, it would be preferable to market a "digital marketing virtual assistant agency" rather than just a "virtual assistant agency."

Long-tail keywords are excellent for drawing in searchers and browsers due to their descriptive nature, which also contributes to voice search SEO. Remember, the more deliberate and targeted you are in creating your content, the more you can incorporate several highly desirable key phrases in a short statement.

Make your content revolve around interrogatory statements.

If you purposefully use inquisitive terms such as "what," "where," "who," "why," and "how," your website is more likely to appear in voice search results pages. Although inquisitive terms aren't mostly used when type-searching, it is normally spoken and asked conversationally.

It's a great idea to concentrate on question terms like these when creating FAQs for your website. It's beneficial for you to keep track of the questions that your clients frequently ask when conducting voice searches. Once you have that information, you can modify your voice search SEO more effectively.

Constantly update your Google My Business Listing.

My Business Listings by Google give a quick overview of all the significant details about your company that a searcher may be interested in knowing. Thus, it would greatly help if you updated your information immediately if there were changes. This holds true for "near me" searches.

The prevalence of voice recognition technology has significantly increased the number of local searches, making it essential that all of your information is current.

To make it easier for customers to locate your business, you should never forget to state your business's correct and current address and the best digits to contact you. Keeping your website's information and content current will ultimately aid in your ability to score higher in Google searches.

5 Starts

Mobile-friendly websites make for a better customer experience.

Since mobile devices are where most voice searches take place, it should be obvious that your website should function seamlessly on mobile. The best way to do that is to make your website as mobile-friendly as possible.


Adapting your SEO strategy to include voice search may initially seem difficult, but those aforementioned strategies should make it easier to apply these changes. You don't want to make these necessary changes for too long because so many people are already using it, and more are starting to depend on it daily.

Our experts at SMART VAs are knowledgeable about voice search best practices and can definitely assist you in improving your website so that it is easier for your customers to find.

Want to implement a comprehensive and efficient voice search SEO strategy for your company? Book a discovery call with us now!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Conventional web searches are distinct from voice searches. People don't speak or type the same way. This means that your SEO strategy needs to consider voice search queries.

People frequently pose questions when conducting voice searches. Rather than typing in "best virtual assistant agency," they ask, "What is the best virtual assistant agency? " instead.

Therefore, your site must adjust your voice search SEO to a conversational way of asking questions. You must consider the conversational tones and phrases users typically use because they perceive voice searches as another person.

In essence, voice search SEO requires concentrating on the verbal search patterns and keywords used by users.


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