Top 10 Reasons Your Competitors Outrank You

Established companies have extensively relied on their marketing strategies as one of their bullets in outranking their rivals. They have understood that a little bit of competi0tion can be a driving force to better performance. Did you know that approximately more than 60% of all clicks from searched phrases lead to the top three results on the web? If you are not one of those in the top three, it means that your online efforts seem to be inferior in comparison to your competitors. Every site that outranks you signifies a significant drop from your organic traffic; search engine rankings are an evident indicator of success. However, with a well-thought strategy, you can redeem your website’s search engine ranking. 

Ten reasons your competitors may outrank you.

  1. Your website is inferior. 

Website quality has been one of the most mentioned factors and an underlying element in determining whether your website is good or not. Your search engine ranking may be swayed in an unfavorable direction when you have significant errors in your website's execution, configuration, and design. The absence of a content delivery network, excessive coding, bad site structure, and cheap hosting are some of the top and typical reasons your site performs poorly compared to your competitors. The totality of the issues mentioned above can compromise your capacity to rank more in search engines than other crucial variables such as user-friendly layouts and graphic appeal. Thus, revamp your website and outrank your competitors!

2. You do not frequently update/engage with your audience.

Consistent and constant updates from your website can be a good indicator of your rankings. Even if a search query is not refined, a more frequently updated website often receives secondary benefits - this can help you outrank competitors and level up simultaneously. Sites that consistently update tend to be more stable in terms of generating social sharing than those with limited website updates. In addition, a website that updates more relating to their services offered can also establish a relationship with clients and encourage site visitors to be engaging, interactive, and stay in your site longer as well. Having satisfied visitors to your site will prompt Google to rank your site better. Remember, even though update frequency is not a direct criterion for ranking, it remains relevant. It gives a secondary benefit when your visitors eagerly engage in your new website updates.

3. You lack in publishing more content.

The internet is not referred to as the “web” for no reason. Search engines generally employ millions of software that act as “spiders” throughout the internet just for fresh information. They locate new pages and integrate them into the search index. These novel sites are then qualified to receive search keywords and become eligible for ranking. Since Google automates the search engine procedure, websites that publish more material will be highly fitting for relevant search keywords. 

With an increased number of published content, more pages from your website can qualify for ranking immediately. Furthermore, it also provides several auxiliary advantages, which also significantly contribute to higher rankings indirectly. Lastly, more content implies more chances for external links, wider social sharing, rising internal page ranking, and an opportunity for users to remain on your website longer than usual. Take publishing more content seriously and outrank competitors along the way.

4. Your content may not be top quality.

While publishing more materials on your page is a smart move to outrank competitors, content quality is also of equal importance. Not long ago, Google has incorporated a new algorithm that compensates for quality content. This algorithm essentially collates all top searches from Google on a global scale. In effect, quality content from you will surely outrank competitors in a blink. 

An excellent strategy to apply is to evaluate which aspect you got to outrank competitors and which were you outranked. Then conduct an analysis of the quality and quantity you both have and use it to develop your subsequent move. You may also counteract the favorable benefits of additional content by leveling out quantities and mainly transform search engines into a fight over quality. 

5. Your social media game is weak.

The exponential rise of social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even Google+ have transformed the scene in which information is shared online. In the past, we have counted on electronic mails or newsletters to be the primary tool for distributing links, but now the leading method of online sharing is through social media platforms.

Although, arguably, social media sharing translates directly to higher rankings, social media sharing certainly leaves a mark on other elements that shape rankings on searches. Outrank competitors by engaging more on social media. It is considered to be disadvantageous on your part if visitors cling to your rival’s site more instead of yours just because they promptly update.

6. Your website cannot be conveniently accessed.

As people cannot separate themselves from their smartphones, it is safe to say that everything online should be mobile-friendly. Creating a website or even a page that can be easily accessed through mobile phones provides a holistic and functional experience for your consumers. It would be best if you take an interest in this trend before it goes away. This time, if you bump up your accessibility, you may get to outrank competitors as a result.

7. You fell short on Basic SEO.

Search engine optimization consists of two major components: on- or off-page. Sadly, several web strategists neglect fundamental on-page SEO, as they deem it to lack relevant value. However, basic features like proper titles, interlinking, meta descriptions, etc., are crucial in stirring up high search rankings. If you do not miss out on the basics, and your competitors did, then it is not surprising that you will outrank them.

8. You lack link-building.

In case you don’t know, relatively minor search engines and the likes of Yahoo, Bing, and Google utilize the use of backlinks to figure out how and where to rank websites. Prepare to outrank competitors by rendering sufficient backlinks that are not low quality and spammy.

9. Your content does not respond to target keywords that prompt user intent.

The primary reason your content is not well qualified is that it failed to fulfill user intentions, which is the main motive behind a term searched. Google normally gives priority to organic results that offer the most satisfactory replies. To detect user intent, perform a depersonalized keyword search and check all organic results found on the first page. This activity gives insight into whether the intention of the user is for learning or purchasing.

Review your content and find out whether your targeted keywords meet the intent of your consumers. While doing that, assess your rivals’ contents as well and modify your content accordingly, so you’ll have higher chances to outrank them. Keep in mind that your updates should gratify user intent even at the top of the funnel.

10. You did not optimize your online assets properly.

A competitor with a less thorough page and fewer ratings than yours might outrank you if they have other search-optimized assets. Despite having Google My Business Profile as your top online asset that has to be optimized, you also do not discount the others. Although having a weaker Google Business profile, your competitors can still outrank you when they are influential on other platforms.

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What is Viral Marketing?

Viral marketing increases the likelihood of sales and piques interest in a product or brand through various types of communication and even through snowball. The goal is to let it spread like wildfire among users. Marketers dwell on social networking sites to make viral marketing work since it can be easily enforced by clicking the share button. However, viral marketing must be tread carefully because the control in this type of marketing strategy lies on the users. That being said, the risk of misinterpretation and parody can occur. Meanwhile, if you have managed to produce a successful viral campaign, then it for sure is your advantage as it can help you in outranking your competitors.

Examples of Viral Marketing

A lot of viral videos, dances, and challenges have scattered online across all platforms. And through this, marketers have found a fun way to engage with their users while potentially selling their stuff online. Let us now look back on some of the most notable viral marketing examples.

The Ice Bucket Challenge

The ALS Association have initiated the Ice Bucket Challenge last 2014 to spread consciousness to the ALS condition while raising funds for medical research at the same time. The challenge was to basically pour yourself an iced water full bucket atop your head while filming yourself. What made this initiative viral was the nomination of three other people to do the challenge as well. Prominent people such as Bill Gates and Oprah took part in the cause along with hundreds of thousands of willing challengers. In the end, the success of this viral challenge garnered more or less 115 million dollars from donations.

Food and restaurant brands publishing memes about themselves.

A lot of brands have harbored on humoring the people. They have created memes and tweets involving their brand and products to stimulate people's reactions and eventually make themselves viral along the way. 

Thanks for reading!

Kristy Yoder here, the founder and CEO of Smart VAs, a Filipino based in the United States. Visit us on Facebook or hang out with us on Instagram to stay up-to-date on what’s in store for you! And don’t forget to Download our FREE E-book on Delegation.

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