How To Prospect On LinkedIn To Get New Customers

How To Prospect On LinkedIn To Get New Customers

What is Sales Prospecting?

Sales prospecting refers to the act of sales representatives reaching out to prospects with the intention of generating sales possibilities. Prospecting is often present in marketing practices such as email marketing campaigns, cold calls, and other methods of lead nurturing. In addition to this, prospecting also includes researching for leads and classifying those leads according to their chances of conversion.

Prospecting is a critical phase in the sales process since it initiates the sales funnel. It incorporates discovering potential clients, creating a prospect profile, and then connecting with the leads in order to convert them into clients. If a sales representative does not know what to anticipate or how to make sales prospecting efficiently, then it could be a challenging procedure for them.

What are the Benefits of Sales Prospecting?

Prospecting enables sales representatives to boost sales by offering their service or product to qualified clients attempting to address certain difficulties.

Businesses need to understand that it is not advisable to discontinue sales prospecting just because they think they have enough clients. Businesses must continuously and diligently do sales prospecting in order to constantly increase business.

Through sales prospecting, you can guarantee that the business has a significant client base to outperform its rivals, even when growth is slow or a recession is in play.

Successful prospecting can lead to the following outcomes:

More Customers

1. More customers

A smart sales prospecting approach can entice more potential clients to convert into customers. With additional leads in your client pool, your sales representatives can put more effort into accommodating both new and current clients.

2. Catered targeting

Sales prospecting provides you with comprehensive control over the lead generation, letting you assess which channels and platforms produce the greatest results. It also assists you in fine-tuning your lead prospecting 

so you can pick and gather those with the most potential to convert into clients. LinkedIn Sales Navigator, for example, provides a powerful search criterion to help you personalize your lead list according to your liking.

The Team Discussing a Business Goal

3. Insights gathering

Prospecting may not necessarily result in immediate revenue, but the longer you reach out to prospects, you may already notice behavioral patterns on how they respond—and align your prospecting tactics accordingly. Market research is a smart method for determining why people join the market to acquire specific items and how to sell them effectively. Gathering insights can assist sales representatives in targeting and contacting individual prospects while also improving their long-term strategy.

4. Increased revenue and ROI

More clients mean more revenue. That is why every new prospect you acquire and convert to sales boosts your company's revenues. An increase in revenue through lead generation helps businesses grow over time while also mitigating the risks of higher operational and manufacturing expenses due to inflation.

Better Conversion rate

5. Better Conversion

Using your time wisely when prospecting sales may result in a higher conversion rate. Prospecting through cold calls could even outperform warm calls in terms of conversion rate when done correctly. With this, it is critical to be mindful of how you target your prospects. It is important to remember that when it comes to sales prospecting, quality is better than quantity.

Ways On How To Prospect On LinkedIn

Sales are arguably the lifeblood of every company. That is why sales representatives are important in generating cash flow by seeking new prospects and persuading them to become clients.

Below are ways to prospect on LinkedIn.

1. Seeking out prospects

Most of the time, people on LinkedIn become interested in purchasing a product or a service when they take on a new position or role. So, take advantage of that, and you might just gain a new client.

To find out which among your connections can be prospects, go to the "Notifications" page and check it from time to time for information on who recently transitioned into a new position or perhaps transferred to a new company. They may shout out their latest endeavor through a new post, a blog, or even a comment! Use their milestones as a way to reach out.

2. Scroll through skills endorsements

Usually, people gravitate towards those who are similar to them. Scroll through the "Skills" section of a prospect or an existing client and see who has endorsed them. Most often than not, those who endorse them are of the same skills and caliber as them.

3. Check out the "People Also Viewed" sidebar

Visit the "People Also Viewed" section of your finest clients or prospects to check on profiles with similar demographics or niches. Your single prospect might just be multiplied by doing so.

4. Check those who interacted with your posts and your prospects' posts

You can view who has engaged with your posts regardless if you're using a free or premium LinkedIn account. Check your "Posts & Activity" tab from the profile menu and determine which among those who have interacted with your posts can be prospective clients.

Furthermore, the next time you're scrolling through your LinkedIn feed, don't skip over the comments of your connections' postings. Many of the individuals engaging with your clients and connections are likely to be ideal matches for your product and potential customers—and they're visibly engaged on LinkedIn.

Prospect Target

Tools for LinkedIn Prospecting

1. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is probably the most used tool for sales prospecting on LinkedIn. By subscribing to this tool, you can conduct advanced lead and company research; get lead recommendations customized according to your target audience; utilize advanced filtering and CRM integration, so you can automatically save your prospects' accounts and directly integrate them into your CRM.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is designed for those who are already active on LinkedIn and wish to access additional functionalities. Sales Navigator may be worthwhile for those who wish to get into LinkedIn's network, grow their funnel of qualified leads, and clinch more transactions.

2. Dux-Soup

Arguably second only to LinkedIn Sales Navigator is Dux-Soup. This prospecting automation tool allows its subscribers to connect easily and engage with their prospects. It is a Chrome extension, which means that LinkedIn has to be continually open the entire time in your Chrome browser to get it running. Nonetheless, Dux-Soup is a very user-friendly tool that is best for those starting out on LinkedIn.

Dux-Soup is largely focused on lead-generating activities and outreach elements. It is the best tool if you want to manage projects very straightforwardly since you can leave notes, directly tag your target LinkedIn profiles, and reach out to them.


How to prospect on LinkedIn is pretty simple as it is easy to navigate and there are already existing automation tools that you can utilize. Thus, it all just boils down to your sales prospecting strategies. So, if you want to further your prospecting games, the options above are available. You can also opt to hire sales representatives or social media managers to handle LinkedIn prospecting for you. SMART VAs has all you need to carry out your marketing strategies. Book a discovery call now!


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