How to Build Backlinks Without Paying For Them

How to build backlinks without paying for them

In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing and SEO, the significance of backlinks is widely acknowledged. However, the cost associated with some link-building methods can be daunting, especially for small businesses and startups. 

Fear not, for in this blog post, we will delve into everything you need to know about them and how to build backlinks for free!

What are Backlinks?

Backlinks serve as connections between web pages, where one website links to another. When a website links to yours, you receive a backlink from them. Conversely, if you link to another website, they obtain a backlink from you.

In the realm of search engines, backlinks are akin to votes for your website compared to others. The more backlinks you accumulate, the more search engines perceive your content as valuable, credible, and helpful. Consequently, this positively impacts your website's ranking on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. While the concept of backlinks has been part of search engine algorithms for a long time, Google has made various adjustments to its algorithm over the years. Nevertheless, backlinks remain a vital ranking factor.

Today, along with 'content' and 'RankBrain,' backlinks continue to hold a prominent position among Google's three essential search engine ranking factors.

However, not all backlinks carry the same weight. Quality backlinks are crucial for achieving higher rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). In this context, a single top-quality backlink can surpass the impact of 100 low-quality backlinks. The distinguishing characteristics of high-quality backlinks contribute significantly to their influence on search engine rankings.

Why is building backlinks important?

SEO consultant services highly advocate link-building as a crucial element of every business owner's online marketing strategy. In today's digital landscape, where the majority of businesses are establishing an online presence, it becomes essential for companies to adopt effective strategies that enhance their discoverability by potential customers. Among these strategies, link building stands out as a pivotal approach that offers numerous benefits to every business website.

Below are more reasons why building backlinks is important.

Strengthen your ranking on SERPs

According to growth marketing experts, the ultimate objective for any online business is to achieve high rankings on SERPs for industry-relevant keywords. Securing the top positions in search results is highly desirable as it drives substantial traffic to websites, increasing the potential for sales and monetization through advertisements.

In this context, backlinks play a crucial role, acting as votes from other websites in support of your own. Google considers these backlinks when determining which pages deserve top rankings on SERPs, ensuring users have access to exceptional and valuable content.

Critical to any SEO strategy


Backlinks form the foundation of every effective SEO strategy. Google considers them a critical factor when determining the ranking of websites on SERPs. Therefore, if you aspire to secure top positions on search engines, it is imperative to focus on acquiring a substantial number of high-quality backlinks.

Moreover, research has revealed that the quantity and quality of backlinks directly correlate with higher search engine rankings compared to any other SEO tactic. This emphasizes the immense significance of backlinks in enhancing your website's performance on search engines.

Increases exposure and trust

As mentioned, backlinks serve as powerful "votes of confidence" from other websites, influencing how customers perceive a brand. Implementing link-building strategies, such as guest blogging, can significantly expand brand exposure to larger audiences and raise awareness about your business offerings. By associating your brand with prominent players in your industry through links and mentions, you can instill trust in potential customers, leading them to favor your business over competitors.

7 Ways How to Build Backlinks Without Paying For Them

1. Stick to your niche

Networking and engaging in backlink exchanges can be highly beneficial for all parties involved, but it's crucial to execute it correctly. Invest time in understanding your backlinking partner, their business, and how your content aligns with their website.

Niche backlinks are akin to targeted advertising, precisely tailored to your specific industry. Their objective is to reach your target audience directly, avoiding wastage of time and resources on non-converting traffic. By focusing on relevant backlinks, you can effectively reach the right audience without unnecessary expenditure and maximize the impact of your efforts.

2. Leverage Social Media

Google rankings are influenced by the expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness of a website, and social media plays a pivotal role in SEO by signaling Google about your brand's authority. When Google recognizes you as the authentic author and owner of the content, your rankings improve.

Furthermore, social media can be a valuable avenue for building backlinks without any financial investment. This approach involves creating valuable content on social media, cultivating a dedicated follower base, and generating backlinks in the process. While this method may take time to establish, once you gain sufficient influence on a social media platform, you can consistently build backlinks.

As you build a network and consistently provide value over time, the likelihood of your followers clicking on the links you share increases. Additionally, even if you don't include direct links in your posts, others might naturally link to your content on their own. Overall, the more exposure your posts receive, the greater the number of visits to your profile page, leading to increased clicks on your links.

3. Exchange links

Link exchange refers to the practice of a target domain linking to your website in return for a link back to theirs. While some consider this technique to be grey-hat, there are situations where it can be a convenient way to build links. As long as it is used judiciously, this method remains prevalent in the industry today.

For link exchange to be effective, it is advisable to seek websites with similar domain authority. Attempting a link exchange with a low-authority website might not yield significant results, as they may not possess enough leverage to facilitate an exchange with a high-authority domain. Finding websites with comparable authority levels can enhance the success of link exchange efforts.

4. Be a guest blogger

Guest posts offer one of the most effective methods on how to build backlinks without paying for them and showcasing your industry expertise. When you contribute guest posts to websites or blogs, they often provide a space for a short-writer biography, allowing you to include backlinks to your own website. Beyond backlinks, this practice also enables you to collaborate with fellow industry professionals, fostering strong relationships and cultivating your brand presence.

5. Make your content shareable

Sharing file

Crafting shareable content presents an excellent opportunity to disseminate your expertise across the internet, significantly boosting the likelihood of your website being linked to multiple web pages and platforms. Whether you opt for creating a blog post, eBook, infographic, or any other form of content, each shareable piece can be strategically distributed with a compelling call-to-action (CTA), encouraging readers to share the content with their connections. This way, your reach expands, and the potential for obtaining valuable backlinks increases.

6. Make use of HARO

HARO, short for Help a Reporter Out, functions as a platform that facilitates connections between reporters and experts or content providers. The concept behind HARO is that reporters often cite their sources, and by becoming a reliable source for them, you have a significant chance of receiving mentions or free backlinks from reputable media websites.

When you register as a source with HARO, you will receive daily emails containing requests from reporters seeking sources for their articles. These emails provide brief descriptions of the topics, along with contact information, deadlines, and the media outlet associated with each request. This way, you can easily find relevant opportunities to contribute your expertise and potentially earn mentions or backlinks from well-established media platforms.

7. Pitch on Slack groups

Slack groups offer a treasure trove of backlinks and content collaboration opportunities. These groups function similarly to HARO but with less competition, making them an excellent method for generating backlinks without any financial investment, and they often yield a high conversion rate.

In essence, when someone requires content for their upcoming article, they post a request in a popular Slack group. If your niche aligns with the request, you can respond by providing a quote or valuable input in exchange for a backlink. This simple yet effective approach allows you to acquire backlinks while contributing your expertise to relevant discussions within the community.


Building backlinks without breaking the bank is not only possible but also incredibly rewarding for your website's growth. In this blog, we've explored how to build backlinks without paying for them and enhance your online presence. By harnessing the potential of guest posting, networking in relevant communities, and leveraging social media, you can establish a strong backlink profile that propels your website up the search engine rankings.

Remember, the key to success lies in providing valuable content and establishing genuine relationships within your industry. Engaging with other experts and offering your expertise as a source can lead to fruitful collaborations and, in turn, a wealth of backlinks.

To truly max out the potential of backlinks and elevate your website's performance, consider enlisting the expertise of SEO professionals from SMART VAs. Our dedicated team of experts can help you navigate the intricate world of SEO, ensuring that your backlink strategy aligns seamlessly with your overall digital marketing objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I rank without backlinks?

Yes. It is entirely plausible to achieve a favorable ranking for your website without relying on backlinks. The key lies in the creation of high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. By producing valuable and relevant material, you can attract both your target audience and search engines alike.

Just remember that search engines, such as Google, prioritize delivering the best user experience to their users. As a result, they heavily emphasize the importance of high-quality websites. When you provide valuable content that satisfies users' needs, search engines will recognize your site’s worth and reward it with improved rankings.

2. Does Google allow buying backlinks?

Contrary to popular belief, Google does not entirely disapprove of paid links. In fact, the search engine recognizes that paid links are a natural occurrence in the web's economy. However, Google draws the line at using paid links as a means to manipulate search engine rankings. This practice is called a "Link Scheme," and it involves the purchase or sale of links with the primary goal of artificially boosting PageRank and search rankings. Google actively discourages this behavior and penalizes websites engaging in such activities. 

The focus should be on earning links organically through the creation of valuable content and providing a positive user experience. By adhering to, website owners can avoid the pitfalls of link schemes and build a reputable online presence.

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