Ep 93- How To Make More Money By Leveraging Social Media With Kandy Robertson


This episode of Master Delegator Podcast features Kandy Robertson, a social media expert and consultant, marketing director for her social media marketing agency, and Facebook ad expert.

She has worked in the entertainment industry for over 15 years and has successfully launched small enterprises throughout her career.

Stay tuned as we continue to talk about her journey to success despite all the cultural barriers and life lessons that kept her pushing forward.

Born To Do It

"Facing challenges head-on is a key commonality amongst successful people."

This is a fact Kandy has proven continually despite experiencing family issues, social criticism, cultural barriers, and identity crisis. At a very young age, difficult situations made her stronger, braver and wiser to a point where she withstands and recovers swiftly. That way, Kandy managed to live a prosperous life.

Make More Money through Social Media

Kandy Robertson's advice on how to make more money with social Media was simple: "Use it Correctly."

Here are three ways to utilize social media:

  1. Social Media is meant to be social - It means engaging with your followers and target audience.

  2. Optimize your accounts -You need to post the items that will help your target audience and potential followers know you and follow your offer, service, or product.

  3. Keep interacting and targeting audiences - The goal here is to keep your audience engaged in what you have to give by letting them know who you are and what you're capable of offering.

Photo of Kandy Robertson, shares about How To Make More Money By Leveraging Social Media

About Kandy Robertson

Kandy Robertson is the Director of Conquer Marketing Agency, a social media consultant and a Facebook ad expert who helps small businesses scale and gain visibility worldwide. She is also the Executive Producer for a Reality TV Show “Kocktales & Kandy”. Having the heart to help, she coordinated three charity events advocating against human trafficking, racism, and more.

Learn more about Kandy here:   








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