Reframe Your Mindset to Succeed in Business With Carole Vaudale | Ep 41

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In this episode, Carole Vaudable, CEO and Founder of Carole Vaudable Interior Design, talks about mindset and the significant role it plays in business. She shares how resilience is built and how confidence is gained throughout the journey of business.

Key Takeaways From This Episode:

  • Your circumstances do not define you

  • You have to be crystal clear about why you are doing things. If what you are doing is something tough, it has to be something bigger than yourself.

  • Hold your vision through ups and downs.

  • When you try a business, you go all in, no plan B. If you have plan B, you are setting up yourself that it might not work out

  • If it needs to work, you will do everything possible for it to work.

  • It’s ok to shift direction. That’s how you know what you like or don’t like, by trying different things.

  • Rejection is just redirection -Jay Shetty

  • Life is all about lessons from every challenge you get throughout life

  • Our biggest challenge is overcoming our negative thought and being our biggest supporter.

  • People’s opinion or ideas is about themselves. They are projecting their own insecurities at you.

  • Don’t take things personally.

  • You can figure out everything but the question is, is it worth your time? ---Spend your hours or invest in someone who does it full time and can save you from headaches.

  • Resilience is something you develop daily.

  • Confidence is built by overcoming obstacles.

  • You are responsible for your own choices

Today’s Guest:

Carole Vaudable was born and raised in Paris with dual French-American culture. She obtained a Masters in Business Law specializing in Intellectual Property at the Sorbonne as well as a Masters in Design, Luxury and Innovation Management.

After working in different aspects of interior design, Carole started her own interior design company. Privileging an extensive comprehension of the client's desires, we like to bring French elegance combined with American warmth and comfort to obtain a special unique touch to each project.

Connect and know more about Carole and her company  here:


Facebook: Carole Vaudable Interior Design


Twitter: @VaudableDesign

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Ep 42 - How to Create and Sell an Online Course With Simone Sumers


Ep 40 - Trusting the Process and Enjoying the Journey of Your Business With Robert Hall